Robinson Restoration & Service
Video Podcasts & YouTube
In terms of social media it’s nearly impossible to verify the
reach and effect of web-based video
Newsroom Introduction from Rick Titus

Welcome To RRS Videos
We will be featuring random race team videos, car shows
and new podcast and YouTube programs.
The goal of all this is to keep you in touch with our vintage and muscle car restoration, repair and service work as well as share with you what’s happening in the automotive industry. Though we’re obviously huge fans of the vintage muscle cars, we also enjoy watching new design and innovations as introduced on new vehicles as well, not to mention the industry’s impact on the U.S. economy.
We’ll be sharing design secrets from some of the country’s top designers as well as insights to engineering conclusions like vehicle wheels designed to help cool a vehicle’s brakes. From the big stuff to the intersting little details RRS “Newsroom” podcasts and YouTube videos will take you places and enhance your automotive knowledge with entertaining insight.

RRS intends to take advantage of this fact on two fronts:
Podcast, a purely audio online medium, allows us to take highlighted topics from the RRS YouTube recordings and create a sharp directive on them for the listener in a hurry. These are typically held to 7-to-8 minutes, they will be quick topics of a single focus. These are quick and easy to produce and will be an effective way to demonstrate the image that the team at RRS knows its business.
YouTube recording today has the luxury of running between 10-to-30 minutes and allow the RRS team to truly explore a topic. The subject matter menu can explore a much wider range of topics that will inform the followers to learn more, not only of muscle car service, repair and restoration but of the automotive industry as a whole.

Few people know such details as:
20-percent of all jobs in American are related to the automotive industry
vehicle wheel design is just about being attractive but must also help cool the vehicle’s brakes
nearly 4-million vehicles a year are sold in the U.S. market
today smaller engines can now out perform larger engines and make better fuel economy doing to.
Topics will also include the risks of buying a collector vehicle at auction
a. What to look for if your doing so.
b. The tricks to tuning up a sixties or seventies performance engine compared to todays.
c. Dealing with lower quality fuels and the significance of the neighborhood car-to-car wave.

Highlights to come.......
The auto industry has its own language and much of it’s shorthand for what a vehicle is really based on.
The intent is for RRS to post new shows every week but it wouldn’t surprise us if that grows to one a day.
Informing and entertaining our followers will be the key to drawing more customers in for any one of the RRS highly specialized services.
We're always looking for new and exciting opportunities.
Let's connect.